Best Practices

5 Best Practices for Implementing Telemedicine

Megan Marino, MD, FAAP

December 8, 2022

Telemedicine technology has the potential to revolutionize the way that emergency medical care is delivered, and it is an exciting and rapidly-evolving field. However, implementing telemedicine technology in the EMS field requires careful planning and consideration to ensure that it provides on promised ROI. Let’s look at five best practices your agency should consider before implementing telemedicine technology in the EMS field, including setting clear goals, involving all stakeholders, choosing the right technology, providing training and support, and monitoring and evaluating the telemedicine system.

#1 Start with a clear goal

Before implementing telemedicine technology, it is vital to have a clear understanding of the specific goals you want to achieve. These goals could include improving patient care, reducing treatment delays, improving provider satisfaction, or increasing the efficiency of the healthcare system. Identify your goals early on and use them as a rubric for evaluating the success of your telemedicine program. 

#2 Involve all stakeholders

One of the primary reasons new technology implementations fail is because the teams using the technology never “buy in” to the benefits of the tech. When implementing your telemedicine solution, you should involve all stakeholder groups. You should look to bring in field users such as paramedics, dispatchers, administrators, and your medical director.

#3 Choose the right technology

There are many different telemedicine technologies available, so it is crucial to choose the one that best meets your organization’s needs. Consider costs, ease of use, and compatibility with your existing systems, such as your CAD and ePCR provider, when selecting a telemedicine technology. 

#4 Provide training and support 

Proper training and ongoing support are essential for the successful implementation of telemedicine technology. Make sure that all relevant crew members receive training on how to use your chosen telemedicine software and that support is available for any questions or issues that may arise.

#5 Monitor and evaluate

 Regularly monitor and evaluate your telemedicine system to ensure that it meets your goals and identifies any areas for improvement. This can help ensure that telemedicine technology is used effectively and efficiently.

By following these best practices, EMS organizations can effectively incorporate telemedicine technology into their operations and improve patient care. MD Ally can help your agency add telemedicine to your medical tech stack and provide a seamless implementation process. Click here to get started.